Studio Two - Sheila Beckles Studio

A dedicated studio for audio in multimedia production and composition.

Studio Two synth and coloured cables

This facility is mainly designed for postgraduate and staff audio visual and compositional research. It was named after the Sheila Beckles Foundation contribution to the Electroacoustic Studios of the NOVARS Research Centre.

After three years of research employing a number of game-engine tools, we devoted the Sheila Beckles Studio at NOVARS primarily to research into new Game-engine and related technology with a focus on sound.

Electroacoustic studio specs for Studio Two include:

Apple Mac Pro

  • 3.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5, 12GB RAM
  • 2x AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB
  • 1x Dell P2415Q display
  • 1x Toshiba 50L2436DB LED TV
  • 1x Oculus Rift
  • MacOS

Audio interfaces

  • 1x Pro Tools | HD Native Thunderbolt
  • 1x Focusrite RED 4Pre
  • 1x Focusrite RedNet 2
  • 1x Focusrite RedNet 4
  • 1x MOTU 828x


  • 5x PMC twotwo6
  • 1x Genelec 7070a Sub

The Hordijk instrument is a 5U music synthesizer system, including:


  • 1x TriLFO / OscFMT / WSPhaser
  • 1x OscHRM / OscHRM / DualFader
  • 1x DualENV / DualENV / 24dBFilterVCA
  • 1x NodeProcs / Matrix / TriLFO
  • 1x Rungler / Rungler / TwinpeakVCA
  • 1x DualLFO / Matrix / QuintVCA
  • 1x MIDI option 1 x Frame / DualPSU
  • 1x Lightweight flight case


  • Soundcraft FX16ii mixing desk

Other Studio Two resources

Specialised in game-audio and interfaces


In addition to the above studio resources, we also offer virtual meeting rooms and NOVARS OpenSim.